Sunday, November 6, 2011

1 comment:

Promode Fernando said...

IndieGoGo helps you raise more money, from more people, faster.

Have something you are passionate about? On IndieGoGo you can create a funding campaign to raise money quickly and securely. Our trusted platform has helped to raise millions of dollars for over 45,000 campaigns, across 204 countries.

Anyone can start raising money right now on IndieGoGo! You can create a funding pitch, offer unique perks or tax deductions to your contributors in lieu of offering profit (you always keep 100% ownership), and get the word out! Each campaign has the opportunity to be featured on our homepage, placed in the press, or exposed via social media.

Not ready to raise money yet, but want to see what's out there? IndieGoGo makes it easy to browse through thousands of campaigns, and to contribute quickly and safely. Looking to get involved or support something new – now's your chance!

Join the tens of thousands of people that are visiting IndieGoGo everyday – start your campaign or find something to fund!