Thursday, November 8, 2012

 The Bamboo Plantwith no fruits

First  of all i should clarify it to you that these trees dont actually bear fruits!!!however i thought il be a bit creative in using such a title to attract a reader! plus there is a hidden truth in the title which will be revealed to you in a moment.
This is a story about a bamboo tree. A special bamboo variety that grows in china or originated in china. this tree will not in no way show any apparant results of growth for its first four years. But of cource the people who know what these trees are also aware of the fact that they need to keep on providing TLC( tender loving care) for the first four years without ANY results!!
this would be frustrating isnt it?? so it goes....
that finally on the fifth year it will suddenly start "growing" ..some thing truly incredible occurs... Not only will that Bamboo plant grow, but it begin to  shoot up about 3 feet a day till it's about 90 feet tall! even after constant tender loving care brings no apparant results in the first four!
so what is the moral? what can we take home with this amaizing story?
When all seems signs of no sucess..the bamboo shoot was ready preparing a giant network of roots in the ground below it just so that once it starts shooting Upwards.. it will have a amaizingly strong network of roots to hold it steady and grounded. Indeed some efforts in our lives are similar.
we can work tirlessly to build character and wait patiently for that strong character to bring forth good fortune to our lives.
I personally have this belif.."nothing beautiful in life comes easy to you" and to add to it..its to say real and permanant beauty if you want in need to work hard at it...
this concept we can use in many aspects of our lives...let it be a degree you are completing..let it be a relationship you are building up or let it be your sucess story interms of physical wealth!
that strong foundation you have been building will help you stand tall and flexible to all tough conditions of life just like to a bamboo tree...its super flexible and within that flexibilty there is incredible strength..i think an image of a bamboo tree can be a metaphor to discribe many things!
i pinched it from the blog that had a similar article of the bamboo tree and i wanted to use it here because i love the wording!
however the story of the bamboo tree surfaced up from my memory while i was engaged in conversation with my good mate tom! isnt it amaizing how things come in to awarness while on conversation,things you didnt expect to rememeber after so many years? our brsin is an amaizing tool indeed. i have so long given a hard time to my own memory by constantly saying ive got s bad memory But In reality i have a phenominal memory (may be its not..but why not call it that way:-)!!! its way better than reinforcing the negative belif that we have a bad memory!
so here is that bible quote at last!
this reinforces my belif of fath and hope having the bamboo tree in mind too ofcource ;-)!

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". ~ Gal 6:9 NIV


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Start with love..end too with love.

uhello dear reader .
i know i said end too with love...but its a tricky word...because u will realize..if you start with love...i mean real love...there is actually no end :-)! real love travels to infinity and streach to the hevens..and the Gods become happy seeing that there is such kinds of love still here in this plannet of ours!

yes there is the ability to radiate that kind of love in all of us...because we are all divine sparks of love. no exceptions..even hitler was! its just that he forgot that all along. a sad exisistance it is indeed if you forget where you come from. very sad.

but love has hope..that the forgotten ones will see the  love that radiates trough to them and remember who they are...what they are really made of...pure love of cource!!

we are made in the image and the likeness of God and NO one is an exception! no one . the darkness can not bring forth will be the most futile attemt ever!!!!

so love...start with love.then ul seee..there is actually no end to it. period

so about me..yes i am following my MoVember! this is my movember..this is my time of the year...

oh ! another highlight! haplened last night...i 'met' uya! sorry if i got ur spellings wrong my friend..but what i mean to say is..we opened up our hearts...we met. he shared his beautiful story with me because he though it will help me..isnt that amaizi g how u meet angels without wings along yiur way?

hope u enjoyed reading..
feel free to forget the whole story here..but i urge u to take this message home

dont miss out on the will still take u to where u are destined..but through a harder way..but still its ok :-) the universe is perfect the way it least you will end up with a lesson.-promo

Monday, November 5, 2012

''i am starting with the man in the mirror"

its amaizing how much wisdom you can gain in one night if you are eqiuipped with the proper tools to handle and accept certain truths.

such an incident occured to me last would say it was a tough one.

yes it was..but then again..its how you look  things that makes the difference. and my higher self came to my rescue and within a mattet of minuites i began to see a "apparant" adverse event in the most beautiful way.

that is growth!

its also amizing to observe your self ReAct the way you do.

The greatest lesson i could learn from this situation is that..any one can change the atmosphere, outcome, and even the cource of an event JUST by ChOOsing to see it in a different angle.

so how can one actually train him/herself to have such points of views which are different from the way an ordinary person would? in other words can one ReACt in extraordinary ways therby changing the the situation to a one that will bring about peace and a sence of calmness when initial indications of an event may be masked by a complete differebt outcome?

personally i should say that it is my love for GOD and the divine goodness which helped me achive this..and you may have your own ways of tapping in to this wisdom.

can i also add has little to do with your biological age..what matters is your spiritual maturity...and belive me i didnt knwo i had it in me till i actually facedvthe event!! and i am sure YOu could agree with me on this.

some times we dont know how strong we are untill we actually face the situation! human existance is amaizing isnt it?

i mentioned earlier that it has little to do with your biological age but your spiritual maturity. i personally iam blesssd to have a circle of friends and loved ones that are beautiful souls and are very much matured. and some, well beyond their age.

another component that i feel is vital in bringing about such beautiful ways of ReActing to "apparantly" adverse events are your garden plants!

garden plants?? what am i talking here? well i am talking about our own life gardens...and some times ..even without our it can grow beautiful plants of wisdom and spiritual strength that you even didnt know existed..and may i add to here that. the same applies to weed plants....there are also plants of weeds that grow within our garden sucking up all the precious life energy and they will continue to thrive if we are not carful enough.

so how can we stop these weeds from hijacking your beautiful gardens?? good way is to be vigilant in terms of what you INTroduce to your soil.
that is to be responsible in terms of what we listen, whos advice we take in, and our role models that we choose to follow.

role models add in to our beautiful life gardens some traits of theirs if we allow them to. and this is why we need to be really carrful whos advice we listen to and whos path we choose to travel on.

for me personally i have a few selected rile models that i was aware of from my young days but now i have finally started following them.

Jesus is my main role model as a brother and a great teacher.

the mother of jesus is my motherly role model and she has been providing me with a lot of wisdom and guidance.

Jesusus earthly father Joseph is my role model of a good father.

and of cource these are the main ones from my faith..i have a few more who have walkedbon earth and some that are alive and yes some of my family members i have chosen to make my role models.

so yes....when we become their greatest fans..they will begin entering our lives with the beautuful traits of character and strength.

some of character traits that i would like to pointbout are

richness of heart
the way they see the world
the way they lived and living
the legacy they left for us
the story they shared
love for humanity


so yes..i like to believ that its with the help of such people that made me become a proud owner of such a good garden! and i will always grow to become a better and better a gardner so that i am vigilant interms of what i choose to plant and nurture in my beautiful garden. i will be vigilant in spotting those weeds. and i will be vigilant in terms of who i invite in.

there are time that you have little choce but invite them in. but lets be vigilant to notice if they drop any seeds of distructive weeds as they leave.

in the end of the day. one has to be responsible to their own garden.

so..yes ..its day 6 in my Movember:-)..and evry time i look at the sign ''man in the mirror" and every time i look at myself in the mirror ...i am determined to chnage myself that i can inspire others too.

if you love to leave a legacy behind you...the best way is not to preach..but to live that story...and make your life that your legacy.

how can we be strong when temptations are high?

i am glad i am a catholic and my belif that i am loved by my heavenly father...and talking about heavenly fathers..i have two there and one step father down here ;-)! how wonderful is that.

yes ...we do get help from the heavens..and to be very honest..these days i Totally depend on heavenly guidance and i like to believ that my grace and strenght comes from the people up there

any one can ask for help and help will be recived. its just a matter of asking. with faith anf trust.

God bless you

06/11/2012- promo

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Movember !!!

wow..i am learning new things as i go...i was aware of this application (blogger) on mobile..however i did not actually use it but i think il be using it more often from now on :-)
i was wondering how to make a start..this new blogging habit '-)! well..these days i am promoting a cause!! its MOvember! we men ..boys and all...hey we actually have a dedicated month to grow our mustache!!! yes!!!  so this pic taken on the 1st of November and it follows on! ..its for a good cause..if ur interested in learning about this activity..please refer to the link

 Day one!!! to be honest , this is the kind of the first time that i have started taking "self" shots like this with the intention on doing such a project i am getting used to it LOL !!!
day two 2nd of Movember !!!! i am trying my best to do a good pose here!!!

i frankly dont know why those white dots appread!!! so this is day 3 of Movember !!!!

Day four !!! 4th of November and some one out there knows that its a special day <3 ....if="....if" a="a" addition="addition" and="and" at="at" because="because" for="for" have="have" here="here" i="i" is="is" it="it" knew="knew" look="look" me="me" meant="meant" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" new="new" notice="notice" on="on" out="out" paste="paste" playd="playd" print="print" really="really" song="song" td="td" that="that" the="the" there="there" time..wana="time..wana" to="to" wall="wall" wanted="wanted" was="was" what="what" when="when" you="you">

 yes this was the song..<3 a="a" an="an" and="and" because="because" becomes="becomes" can="can" change="change" cried="cried" great="great" had="had" hearing="hearing" help="help" i="i" inspired="inspired" it="it" life="life" live="live" me..if="me..if" message="message" nbsp="nbsp" only="only" p="p" powerful="powerful" share="share" song="song" start="start" story="story" the="the" then="then" to="to" want="want" with="with" world..please="world..please" world..your="world..your" you="you" your="your">

lol !! changes changes changes!!!!! i went to the bathroom and i felt like getting a shave !!! and i did so !!! its summer here anyways!!! and i took a head shave and a face shave too..makes my moustache look more obvious !!YES!!

guess what !!! moustache"  is actually a french word ...( i was checking the spellings and found that out ;-)! 

so here is some word roots for you 

>The word "moustache" is French, and is derived from the Italian mostaccio (14th century), dialectal mustaccio (16th century), from Medieval Latin mustacium (8th century), Medieval Greek μουστάκιον (moustakion), attested in the 9th century, which ultimately originates as a diminutive of Hellenistic Greek μύσταξ (mustax, mustak-), meaning "upper lip" or "facial hair",[2] probably derived from Hellenistic Greek μύλλον (mullon), "lip"